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New 2023 General Records Schedule Approved by Public Records Board

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Dear District Administrators,

On March 20, 2023, the Wisconsin Public Records Board (the PRB) approved a new Wisconsin Public School District and Related Records General Records Schedule (the 2023 School District GRS). The prior 2010 School District GRS version is now replaced with the 2023 version. 

The 2023 GRS is a significant change from the previous 2010 version and warrants your immediate attention. The PRB provides a general introduction to the purpose of general records schedules and how they are used here.

What’s new?

At the direction of the PRB, the 2023 School District GRS now only includes retention schedules for records that are unique to school districts. Retention schedules for records that are not unique to school districts have been removed from the 2023 School District GRS. Those records are now to be addressed with other state and local general records schedules.

The DPI has created a “Crosswalk” to help identify state and local retention schedules that most closely align with previous retention schedules from the 2010 School District GRS. The 2023 School District GRS and Crosswalk documents are attached to this email, and are also on the DPI website here.

What does this mean?

  1. The 2023 School District GRS automatically replaces the 2010 School District GRS. Any school district that adopted the 2010 School District GRS as of March 20, 2023 does not need to re-adopt the 2023 School District GRS.
  2. Any school district seeking to exercise disposition authority using state and local retention schedules mentioned in the Crosswalk must separately adopt those retention schedules, regardless of whether the district has adopted the 2023 School District GRS.

Next Steps:

  1. Your school district should review the 2023 School District GRS and Crosswalk with legal counsel to determine whether to utilize the 2023 School District GRS and the state and local retention schedules referenced in the Crosswalk.
  2. The DPI has attached a packet of pre-filled Notification of General Records Schedule Adoption forms for your convenience. Your district must complete each of these forms if it chooses to adopt the state and local retention schedules referenced in the Crosswalk. The forms include instructions on how to properly submit the forms.
  3. If you have any questions about the treatment of specific records or types of records, please reach out to your district legal counsel or the PRB.

Please note that the PRB cannot require any school district to adopt a particular retention schedule. Any district that wishes to explore alternatives to PRB-approved retention schedules should do so in consultation with legal counsel.

Questions about the GRS adoption process can be directed to Other questions about records management and use of the GRS should be sent to

Additional information and resources regarding records management can also be found on the DPI website.


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent