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Announcing Launch of Equitable-MLSS Project

Friday, June 23, 2023


Dear District Administrators,

In collaboration with CESAs, DPI is excited to announce the launching of the Equitable Multi-Level System of Support (E-MLSS) Project. Similar to the Wisconsin RtI Center (whose services are ending June 30, 2023), the Project will provide low- or no-cost professional learning, coaching, and technical assistance for schools and districts related to Wisconsin’s Framework for Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support (Equitable MLSS), including:

  • Learning about key features of a framework for an Equitable MLSS
  • Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions (PBIS)
  • Universal instruction in reading and math (to be piloted in 2023-2024)
  • Culturally Responsive Practices (to be piloted in 2023-2024)

Any school or district team can contact their CESA to work with the E-MLSS Project. Priority will be given to:

  • Continuation of work with school or district teams who were previously engaged with the RtI Center
  • Districts with LEA Determinations for IDEA (such as Level 2 schools)

The E-MLSS Project will host a summer conference August 8–9, 2023. Visit this link for more information and to register.

More information about the E-MLSS project is included in E-MLSS Project 2023-2024: An Overview for DPI and CESA Staff.

Services from the E-MLSS Project are CESA-based. Each CESA has an Equitable MLSS coach to serve schools and districts. The coaches work collaboratively with each other and a Statewide Coordinator and will be supported by a Statewide Research Coordinator. For more information, LEAs should contact their CESA, or Dr. Barb Novak, DPI Consultant at


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent