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Welcome Back to School!

Thursday, September 7, 2023


Dear District Administrators,

I wanted to take this opportunity to simply wish you a wonderful start to the school year. I realize there are lots of challenges ahead, but as I visit your schools and talk with you and your staff, it is very clear to me that your leadership matters. Time and time again, when I speak with your school board members, parents, and even the students: they appreciate you and are grateful for all that you are doing to advance public education in your communities.

The agency is here for you. We are working on teacher recruitment and retention with the establishment of new programs such as teacher apprenticeships and incorporating high school teacher programs like Educators Rising in our programming, and we are always looking for ways we can encourage districts to be innovative - particularly in year-round elementary schooling, instructional methods, licensing, and early childhood. My hope is that you will continue to embrace these opportunities, think outside the box, and work with us to make these innovations happen.

I know it may seem overwhelming at times, not just fiscally, but also politically and programmatically - between the new literacy bill, ESSER claims, and the resolution of conflicts in Title IX and expulsions. But again, know that we are here for you and if there is any way we can help you, I want you to reach out to us.

We’ve created this webpage specifically for District Administrators where you can get a glimpse of the month at a glance, as well as search the district administrator bi-weekly communications archive. We also have links to directories and who to contact for different issues. If you have a suggestion for an addition or a way for us to improve this page, please let me know. It’s a continual work in progress and we will add things as needed.

I hope that you will stay engaged in your professional organizations and CESAs. They are ready to help you as well, and we work closely with them, and sometimes, they can be easier to reach during peak times. I plan to visit the CESA PAC Meetings again this year, and I am also looking forward to not just the September and April WASDA meetings, but the WASB convention in Milwaukee this January. DPI also had a panel accepted to the AASA San Diego conference, and I along with Demetri Beekman at DPI, as well as Mike Johnson (Eau Claire) and Equity and Inclusion Coordinators from Eau Claire and Shorewood will be presenting on this relevant and timely topic. We at the DPI will continue to stay committed and engaged with you and your work because we are all striving toward the same goal for public schools in Wisconsin.

Stay in touch and please reach out as needed. Have a great school year and see you soon!

Jill K. Underly, PhD
State Superintendent

PS: If you would like me or others from the Office of the State Superintendent (or DPI) to visit your school or present to your board or teaching staff, we have a form for that! We love visiting schools and look forward to the time together.