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Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies Rollout Brainstorm

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Most of my work lately has been trying to figure out what our districts and educators need from me to help with a smooth rollout and shift to the newly revised standards.  Right now, what does that look like?

  Globe held up with children's hands

Here are some of the overall ideas I have:

  • An unpack/repack activity similar to what was recently revised for our mathematics and ELA standards (
  • A resource looking at the shifts from the old standards to the new - this will be vitally important, as there have been enough changes, especially in layout/format, that there will NOT be any kind of crosswalk between the WI Model Academic Standards for Social Studies and the new Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies.  
  • There will be a new webpage dedicated to standards rollout, which will include an elementary support page, and a CESA support page.  
  • Social media - virtual communities (both statewide and CESA/regional), Twitter, FB, and Instagram
  • A K-5 suggested scope & sequence with resources
  • Essential questions tied to the revised standards
  • Support for learning about inquiry in the social studies classroom
  • Ties to American Indian Studies/Act 31, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability, Disciplinary Literacy, Personal Financial Literacy, and the new Information and Technology Literacy Standards
  • Expansion of the suggested historical eras and themes
  • A crowdsourced K-12 Scope & Sequence spreadsheet for districts to see what other districts are doing
  • A "best practices" rubric
  • Webinars and virtual leadership

As you think about the new standards, let me know if there are things that pop into your head - like "oh, this type of resource would be so helpful!".  We're all kind of jumping into something brand new!

For questions about this information, contact Kristen McDaniel (608) 266-2207