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Data Collection Partnership

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dear District Administrators,

As you may be aware, one of the continuous improvement strategies that the DPI has been supporting in the field is ensuring that every teacher has access to high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials and the professional learning to support their implementation (IM/PL). In doing this work, we often hear from our educational leaders that it would be very helpful as they work to adopt new materials to have information about who else in the state is using materials they are considering purchasing.

We are pleased to let you know that, in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), we are collecting this data for the first time. The link to this data collection is here:

We ask that you have the ONE person in your district who has the most information about the instructional materials your district has adopted and is using in literacy and mathematics complete this data collection. The collection will be open from September 24-October 11.

We are targeting 100% participation and ask that each district complete the information for all grade levels as soon as they are able. The data we collect will be displayed for your use to assist you in future materials adoptions, future professional learning collaborations, and neighboring school site visits. It will also assist the state and the CESAs and professional organizations to better support you in your work.

We piloted this collection in the spring so that we could refine and streamline the survey to make it as efficient and helpful as possible. It takes an average of 15 minutes to complete the collection. However, it will take longer if your district uses multiple sets of instructional materials at each grade level.

Thanks in advance for your participation!