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Crosby Kemper III confirmed as new IMLS director

Monday, January 13, 2020

Guest post by Kurt Kiefer, Assistant State Superintendent, Division for Libraries and Technology

On Thursday, January 9, 2020, the United States Senate confirmed Crosby Kemper III as the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to a four-year term. Kemper replaces outgoing Director Dr. Kathryn Matthew whose term had expired. Every four years the director role rotates between a library professional and a museum professional. The IMLS is the largest source of federal funding for libraries, and supports Wisconsin libraries and library systems through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants to States program. Our focus in using these funds are to provide statewide services such as the interlibrary loan (ILL) program known as WISCAT. Through the Grants to States program, Wisconsin received $2.9 million in federal fiscal year 2019 to achieve goals laid out in the LSTA Five-Year Plan for Wisconsin 2018-2022.

Crosby Kemper III was the Kansas City Public Library’s executive director at the time of the appointment, a role he had held since 2005. In 2008, the Kansas City Public Library, under the direction of Kemper, received the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service for inclusionary practices, providing access to technology and wireless internet, and growing their impact in the Kansas City, Missouri area.

Kemper has a history of service and leadership in educational and library initiatives. Kemper served on the board of the directors of the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB) – an organization committed to “open, affordable, high-capacity broadband connections for anchor institutions and their surrounding communities” (About the SHLB Coalition, 2020) – and was the SHLB Board Chairperson from 2017-2019. Digital equity for all citizens is a critical concern for both our economy and society as a whole. Kemper had the endorsement of the SHLB Coalition and the American Library Association (ALA) when nominated.


For questions about this information, contact Michael Dennison (608) 264-6717

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