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Staying in the Loop

Thursday, August 31, 2023

In May 2023, Google ended support for the WI DPI School Libraries Google Currents community. Everyone who was a member of this community was sent an invitation to join Google Spaces, which is a community discussion tool located in Google Chat. Unfortunately, this resulted in a network of over 900 school librarians being reduced to just over 200 due to a lack of access to Google Chat in many school districts.

Although discussions continue in Google Spaces, we do not want anyone eliminated from the important conversations and networking developed in Google Currents. Therefore, we have created an email list as another option for conversations to thrive. School librarians who would like to be included in this email discussion forum can request to join by sending an email to from their school email address. Do not add any information in the body of the email. Once the request is received and verified, individuals will be added to the group. Additional guidelines for participating in this forum can be found at

This new email discussion group is being provided as an additional communication tool. The Google Spaces group will remain active, and messages from the DPI will be shared in both locations. The email discussion group and Google Spaces will be used to share items of professional interest from the DPI, as well as serving as areas for school librarians to connect with each other to share ideas and questions. Everyone is encouraged to also subscribe to the School Library Scoop newsletter for all important announcements and information related to school libraries in Wisconsin.

For questions about this information, contact Monica Treptow (608) 575-6065