Project Vision: Each and every learner will thrive in welcoming and inclusive learning communities.
Project Mission: Support districts to strategically implement and sustain inclusive learning communities by providing funding, quality resources, training and coaching support.
Each participating district receives funding, high quality evidence-based professional development, and coaching support to establish collaborative linked teaming structures as the framework to implement Inclusive Learning Communities (ILC).
Project Objectives
1. Districts will implement collaborative linked teaming structures, supported by coaching, to ensure a consistent approach for collaborative decision making that will lead to improved outcomes for each and every student.
2. Districts will ensure that educational environments are accessible, inclusive, and equitable for each and every student, by implementing sustainable teacher teams leading to improved outcomes for every student and accelerated improvement for students of color and students with IEPs.
3. Key student outcomes including inclusion, agency, voice, participation, attendance, engagement, discipline, graduation rates, and achievement improve for students with IEPs and students of color.
You can find more information and resources related to the work at this webpage or in this brochure. The resources available can be helpful when communicating with your school board and stakeholder groups.
Participating Districts (cohort 1)
- School District of Ashland
- School District of Cadott Community
- School District of South Milwaukee
- Two Rivers Public School District