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Act 72 Recovery High Schools Grant Program

Program Description

grant icon

This grant program provides funding for the operation of recovery high schools. A recovery high school is defined as a public, private, or tribal school that operates only high school grades and meets all of the following criteria: (a) the school is specifically designed for pupils in recovery from a substance use disorder or a mental health disorder that coexists with a substance use disorder; and (b) the school awards high school credits that either count towards a high school diploma awarded by the school or will transfer and count towards a high school diploma awarded by a school district.

This legislation provided funding for two different grant programs:

  1. Recovery High Schools Operational Grant Program
  2. Recovery High Schools Planning Grant Program

Authorizing Statute

This grant is authorized under Wisconsin State Statute 13.101, related to 2023 Act 72.

new Recovery High Schools Planning Grant Program

Eligible Applicants

  1. Public, private, and tribal schools that intend to establish a recovery high school.
  2. Non Profit organizations that intend to establish a recovery high school.

Project Period

March 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025

Awards and Budget

Applicants must submit a proposal and itemized budget in a grant amount up to $100,000. The budget form is included as part of the application.

Application Process

Applications are being accepted through January 30, 2025.

Applications should be submitted by email to Erick Blasing

Recovery High Schools Operational Grant Program

Application closed.


To schedule a consultation, interested applicants can e-mail: Erick Blasing