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2019 Public Library Public School LSTA Subawards

Friday, September 13, 2019

The 2019 Public Library Public School LSTA Subawards application process will open on Monday, September 16, 2019. Applications from collaborating Wisconsin public libraries  and public school libraries will be accepted on a rolling basis through January 14, 2020. For more details, continue reading or scroll to the "Quick Links" section at the bottom.


As part of the 2018-2022 Five Year LSTA Plan for Wisconsin, the Division for Libraries and Technology (DLT) provides grant subawards to Wisconsin public libraries for collaborative projects with local public school libraries. These subawards will offer financial and material resources that will emphasize specific aspects of library services.

Projects require focus on one (1) of the following areas:

  • Collection management with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Hands-on learning, including maker and computational thinking

Projects must use funds for one or both of the following purposes:

  • An in-person education event for youth (ages 0-18)
  • Library and classroom program and curriculum materials

DLT will offer $50,000 during the 2019 LSTA fiscal year. Funds will be allocated based on project proposals. Funds will be distributed to a Wisconsin public library on a reimbursement basis for these collaborative projects with local school libraries; funds must be used according to LSTA guidelines for allowable costs. Projects are also subject to LSTA reporting. All project work, reports, and claims for reimbursement must be submitted on or before July 15, 2020.

Intent to Apply

All applicants must submit an “Intent to Apply” message before submitting a project proposal in order to assess Aids Banking status; i.e., ability to receive reimbursement electronically from DPI. To submit a message, a Wisconsin public library staff person should email with the subject line “Intent to Apply” and the following information in the body of the message: name of public library intending to submit a proposal, name of collaborating public school or district, abstract (general description) of project proposal. Once DPI has received a message, staff will confirm the aids banking status and respond to the applicant with further instructions. If an applicant does not have Aids Banking established with DPI, additional forms will be required in addition to the project proposal application.

Project Proposals

Applicants can submit a project proposal after receiving Aids Banking status. Project proposals will be accepted for consideration by the DPI on a rolling basis between Monday, September 16, 2019, through Friday, January 14, 2020. Proposals will be reviewed on a first come, first serve individual basis. Proposals may be accepted as-is, sent back for modifications, or not accepted. Proposals will be evaluated using a rubric emphasizing the established guidelines, support of the LSTA Five-Year Plan, and collaboration efforts.

Applicants should address how a focus area(s) relates to the annual and long-range plans of each library and school involved. Activities related to summer library programming are not supported by this project.

Submit your proposal using the LSTA Grant Application form and send to between September 16, 2019 and January 14, 2020. Submission of a project proposal does not guarantee funding. An estimated minimum award is $3,000 and an estimated maximum award is $10,000. Applicants will be notified about the application status within ten business days following submission of a complete application form. Approved projects can commence as soon as a Notification of Federal Grant Subaward letter is received by the fiscal agent.

Project proposals must:

  • Include collaboration between a minimum of one Wisconsin public library and one Wisconsin public school/district.
  • Include collaboration between public library staff and school library staff.
  • Indicate roles and responsibilities for staff person involved.
  • Indicate budget details.
  • Target one or both of the focus areas.

Project proposals will be evaluated using a rubric. Proposals must score 7 points or higher (out of 12 possible points) in order to be approved for funding. DPI may require applicants to revise the grant application prior to providing funding.

Quick Links:

For information related to public school library education, contact:

Monica Treptow
(608) 575-6065

For information related to public library youth services, contact:

Tessa Michaelson Schmidt
(608) 267-5077

For information about LSTA, including allowable costs, contact:

Michael Dennison
(608) 266-5196


For questions about this information, contact Monica Treptow (608) 575-6065

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