The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released the final version of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant Information and Guidelines 2022. All Wisconsin regional public library systems are eligible to apply.
The LSTA Grants to States program is administered at the federal level by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). IMLS is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums supporting statewide initiatives and services. The DPI manages and distributes the federal funding as the State Library Administrative Agency for Wisconsin.
The categories for this year’s LSTA Grants support goals established in the LSTA Five-Year Plan 2018-2022 and are based on the federal LSTA priorities. Some of the categories include Professional Development Support to expand the availability and accessibility of trainings for public library and system staff to better serve their communities, Recollection Wisconsin to provide financial assistance for continued development of the collaborative digitization program, and Improved Discovery Solutions to support technology solutions to make it easier to search library collections and resources.
The guidelines, with additional Library Services and Technology Act Grant information, are available on the DPI LSTA website. Please contact with any questions.