In a collaborative partnership brought forth through needs addressed during the Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) process, the DPI Library Services Team and the Wisconsin Public Library Systems are excited to announce the Wisconsin Libraries Professional Learning Calendar.
Hosted by DPI using the Team Up platform and curated by the Public Library Systems, the calendar brings together learning events from Wisconsin library systems, associations, DPI Library Services, and other groups all in one place. Public library directors, staff, and trustees are now able to find relevant professional learning without searching multiple calendars and websites. Most events are Wisconsin-based, however major national library conferences are also included.
Search for specific events or browse by categories like Interest Areas, event host, whether the event fulfills the technology requirement, and more. Locate recording links for previous sessions and the applicable number of CE Contact Hours for each event. Share individual events using a unique URL, through email or social media, or add to your own calendar. No account is needed to use the calendar. A User Guide is also available for quick reference.
Find the Wisconsin Libraries Professional Learning Calendar on the DPI website at, on your Public Library System's Continuing Education webpage, or by bookmarking the Team Up link.
For questions about the calendar please reach out to your System CE Coordinator or the DPI Library Services Team.
See more posts on the WI Libraries for Everyone page.