Monday, July 12, 2021
The Play Make Learn Conference promotes high-quality learning opportunities for educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, museum and library professionals, and school leaders who are dedicated to promoting making, gaming, and playful learning. It aims to engage attendees in cutting-edge learning science ideas and experience; communicate state-of-the-art design, education, and research; demonstrate new and upcoming games and technology; and network to spark new projects.
Topics this year include:
- Keynote from Dr. Benjamin Stokes
- He co-founded Games for Change, the movement hub for social change with games. His new book is "Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities". He directs The Playful City Lab at American University, where he is an assistant professor. His designs have been featured in the Smithsonian and the Guggenheim.
- Breakout sessions on games, makerspaces, arts, and personalized learning
- Highlighting new top learning games in our GEE! awards
So please consider attending (register here) and share with any interested individuals/networks.
Posted by Ben Miller
Library Services Team
For questions about this information, contact Ben Miller (608) 224-6168