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When you need to know more than the news tells you

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wisconsin Digital Archives

News coverage of topics lawmakers in Wisconsin are debating and proposing in the current legislative session only provides basic information.  If you’re like me, the news often leaves me wanting to know more background information about topics of proposed legislation. Where can you turn to get that information? The Wisconsin Digital Archives is your source for background information about legislative topics!

For instance, lawmakers in Wisconsin are considering an open-road tollway as a way to possibly fix the funding issue for the state’s roads. A quick search of the Wisconsin Digital Archives using the term ‘tolling’ returns 6 results for state documents about the policy and legal framework for tolling in Wisconsin. These state documents provide in depth information to better understand the feasibility of implementing open-road tollways in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Digital Archives provides in depth background information in the form of reports, studies, statistics, and economic, policy and legal analysis published by state agencies. These publications provide important background information about topics reported by news outlets so that you can be an informed resident of Wisconsin and can understand how legislation will impact your life.

When you need to know more than the news tells you, search the Wisconsin Digital Archives!

Post written by: Abby Swanton, Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning


For questions about this information, contact Abby Swanton (608) 224-6174

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