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Assessment Forms

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DAC and DTC Update Forms

DAC Update Form - This form must be completed every year by District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) to assure that DPI has the most recent contact information for updates via mail or email.

DTC Update Form - This form must be completed every year by District Technology Coordinators (DTCs) to assure that DPI has the most recent contact information for updates via mail or email.

Confidentiality Forms

DAC Confidentiality Form – (forms function best using chrome browser) The DAC confidentiality form must be completed by the designated district assessment coordinator each school year. The DAC Confidentiality Form encompasses all (Forward, ACT/PreACT Secure, DLM, ACCESS for ELLs) state assessments. Once completed, this form should be sent to

The following forms must be completed by the appropriate staff each school year. Once completed, these forms should be retained at the district/school level.

Forward Confidentiality forms - A confidentiality form must be completed by anyone who works with or views the Forward Exam testing materials or reports.

ACT/PreACT Secure Confidentiality forms - A confidentiality form must be completed by anyone who works with or views the ACT/PreACT Secure testing materials or reports.

DLM Confidentiality forms - A confidentiality form must be completed by anyone who works with or views the DLM testing materials. There is no DPI DLM Confidentiality Form for Test Administrators/Proctors as they are required to sign an equivalent electronic form prior to accessing the portal.

ACCESS Confidentiality forms – A confidentiality form must be completed by anyone who works with or views the ACCESS for ELLs testing materials.

Confirmation of Destruction Forms

Forward Exam 

Confirmation of Destruction Form for Print on Demand Accommodation Materials - This form must be complete when the district needs to destroy the Forward Exam Print on Demand materials.

Test Security Incident Report Form

Test Security Incident Report Form for Wisconsin State Assessments - Complete this form for any test security incident that has occurred before, during, or after administration of the Forward Exam, DLM, ACT, PreACT Secure, or ACCESS for ELLs.

Significant Medical Emergency Forms


Significant Medical Emergency Form (fill-enable)


Extended Testing Hours Forms

Forward Exam Extended Testing Hours Form  - Currently, Forward Exam testing is accessible from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. DPI is offering optional extended testing hours for the 2022-23 Forward Exam. Districts may now opt to test students, in-person, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings until 8:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during the testing window. Districts should be aware that no help desk or technical support will be available from DRC or DPI for testing during extended hours. DACs must complete and submit the Forward Exam - Extended Testing Hours Request Form for their district. The request form must be submitted a minimum of one week prior to the planned extended hour testing day. Upon approval from DPI, DRC will open the testing application for the extended hours requested by the district.

Forward Data/Reporting Forms

Forward Exam Rescore Form - Use this form to submit a re-score request for approval by DPI and processing by DRC. Please note this form is for public, charter, and choice students, only.

Forward Exam Decline Paper ISRs - District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) should complete this form to decline the receipt of paper Forward Exam ISRs for their district.