ACT Accessibility
State and federal laws require that state assessments must allow for the inclusion of all students, including students with disabilities and English language learners. Accommodations and supports are practices and procedures that provide equitable access to grade-level content. They are intended to reduce or eliminate the effects of a student’s disability or level of language acquisition; they do not reduce learning expectations. The accommodations or supports provided to a student must be consistent for classroom instruction, classroom assessments, and district and state assessments. It is important to note that while some accommodations or supports may be appropriate for instructional use, they may not be appropriate for use on a standardized assessment.
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Accommodations and Supports
Exceptions Statement Form - Examinees who do not currently have an official accommodations plan, EL support plan, IEP, or 504 plan can submit the Exceptions Statement Form to support their request.
Qualified Exception to the Deadline Form – Form to request accommodations for newly enrolled students or students with newly identified disabilities/sudden onset of medical emergencies after accommodation request deadline
English Learner (EL) Specific
ACT Translated Test Directions - Paper Testing (available in 18 languages)
ACT Translated Test Directions -Online Testing (available in 18 languages)
English Learner Supports for the ACT (translations available in document)