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Update Your District Technology Coordinator (DTC) Contact Information

DTC Contact Information 

In this era of online testing it is more important than ever to keep technology staff informed about assessment and how their work has a direct impact on successful administration. Therefore, districts have been asked to identify one District Technology Coordinator (DTC) from each district to receive these communications directly from DPI's Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) and pass it along to School Technology Coordinators (STC) and educators, etc.  
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General Overview of DTC Responsibilities

This document is a general overview of the responsibilities of a district technology coordinator and a school technology coordinator.  This is not an all inclusive list.

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DTC Contact List

The DTC contact list contains all of the District Technology Coordinators (DTCs) for the Public School Districts in Wisconsin. If any information is incorrect on this spreadsheet the DTC must submit a correction using the DTC update form. 


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DTC Update Form

The DTC is the Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) first point of contact for communication regarding assessment information around technology.  It is important to ensure that the DTC contact information is correct for your district.  

  • This form must be submitted annually (even if no change has been made) by the end of October of the new school administration year. 
  • If a change occurs during the school year (new DTC, phone number or email change etc.), the DTC update form should be completed and submitted to OEA.
  • A temporary DTC should be put in place while searching for a replacement DTC (or during a leave of absence) to ensure communication is still received at the district.