As a DAC, your main priorities are to:
- communicate appropriate testing procedures for all required assessments throughout your district
- train staff on appropriate testing procedures
- ensure these procedures are followed and to help schools understand their test results
- ensure all students in tested grades participate in the appropriate assessment
We understand that many DACs wear more than one hat in their districts. We are providing these resources to help you manage your testing responsibilities. For a high-level yearly snap-shot of assessment responsibilities go to DAC responsibilities. For a more detailed assessment-specific timeline, go to the calendar tab under each assessment.
DACs must establish good communication and work closely with the EL Coordinator, Special Education Director, NAEP Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, and the WISEdata Administrator in your district.
New DAC Orientation

The purpose of this training is to familiarize new District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) with respective statewide assessment responsibilities and for anyone who may need refreshment in this area. This module will serve as a road map to key information and resources such as Trainings, Calendars, Resources, Accommodations & Accessibility information, Technology Requirements, Practice tests & Sample Items, Frequently Asked Questions etc. It will also cover the role and responsibilities of the DAC around collaboration, communication, training, test security, accommodations, student data, and reporting.
Passwords and Portal Access

If you need access to or have forgotten your password to a testing portal/system, contact the specific test helpdesk or the specific assessment program manager at DPI.
Test Security

For more complete information on test security you may view trainings and test security manual available under the test security tab for each assessment.

DACs should make sure all student demographic information is current in their local student information system (SIS). Local SIS information is transferred to DPI through WISEdata and is used to create student data files for the different testing systems. Inaccurate or outdated information may result in confusing and inaccurate student testing information, erroneous reports, and/or invalid accountability determinations. DACs and district enrollment and data personnel should work together to make sure that enrollment and demographic information for all student in tested grades is kept accurate and up-to-date.
Training and Resources

To help you in your new role as a DAC, there is a trainings tab in the DAC Corner and under each assessment . These trainings may be utilized to help you communicate appropriate testing procedures to district and school staff.
Many resources are available for DACs for each assessment. These resources can be accessed via the resources tab under each assessment.
Dissemination and Use of Test Results

As the DAC you are responsible for ensuring Individual Student Reports (ISRs) are sent to the student's home as soon as possible. It is important to note that student confidentiality must be maintained at all times when handling these reports. There is an Interpretive Guide for reports for each assessment designed to help school and district staff understand, explain, and use the results available under each assessment's Data and Results Webpage.