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The ACT with writing

The ACT® with writing

Wisconsin high school students in grade 11 will take the ACT with writing® which includes Reading, Math, English, Science, Writing. The ACT is an in-person assessment that districts may administer on paper or online. Accommodations and EL supports are available in both testing formats. Scores from the administration of the ACT with writing (if taken with ACT Standard Time or ACT-approved accommodations) can be used by students for a variety of purposes including college admission, scholarships, course placement, and NCAA eligibility. 

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Quick Contacts

ACT State Testing Administration Customer Service
(319) 337-1590 
Accommodation Questions
(800) 553-6244 ext 1788 

DPI Contacts

ACT Program Coordinator
General Information and Policies
(608) 266-1075
Phil Cranley
Data, Student Demographics and Privacy Issues
(608) 266-9798

Duane Dorn
Choice Program & Test Security
(608) 267-1069