About the Data

The ELA portion of the Badger Exam used a variety of reading passages and resources to assess students in the following areas: reading of both literary and informational text, writing, listening skills, and researching topics to investigate, integrate, and present information. The ELA test was made up of multiple-choice questions (the student selected the correct answers from answer options), and short answer questions (the student provided a brief explanation in their response to the question). The majority of the ELA test questions were machine-scored. Professional staff experienced in providing reliable and accurate handscoring services scored the remainder.
The mathematics portion of the Badger Exam used a variety of real-world topics and scenarios to assess students in the following areas: ability to explain and apply concepts and procedures, problem solving, ability to use models and data analysis to solve real-world problems, and ability to construct and critique mathematical reasoning. The mathematics test was made up of multiple-choice questions (the student selected the correct answers from answer options), short answer questions (the student provided a brief explanation in their response to the question), and performance tasks (students took part in a group classroom activity then answered a series of short questions on the computer). The majority of the mathematics test questions were machine-scored. Professional staff, experienced in providing reliable and accurate handscoring services, scored the remainder.
Badger Exam Data Availability
2014-15 Badger Exam data have been released to individual school districts and available in the WISEdash Public Portal in March of 2016.
TOMS Reporting Suite User Manual and Interpretive Guide - Provided instructions on how to use the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Reporting Suite and how to understand, explain, and interpret the results of the Badger Exam 3-8: A Smarter Balanced Assessment (Badger Exam).
The State Percentile Scale Score comparison table
The percentile table shows the direct correlation between the percentile and the scale score from the Badger Exam. The state percentile shows how well a child scored on the Badger Exam compared with students across the state.