WorkKeys Score Reports for Students
Individual Summary Score Report is mailed to the test coordinator and accessible to the test coordinator in the Online Reports Portal, to give to the examinee (one for each subject test completed by the examinee). This report includes scores for the tests the examinee took and explanations of what the scores mean.
ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificates (NCRC) are earned by examinees who achieve a minimum score of 3 or higher on each subject test. NCRCs are accessible to district staff in the DPI Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) to distribute to examinees.
ACT WorkKeys scores are viewable to examinees online by logging into Student usernames and passwords are included in the school data files accessible to district staff in the DPI Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). Districts are to distribute the usernames and passwords to examinees.
WorkKeys Score Reports for Schools
One Summary Score Report per examinee with the scores for the tests he or she took is mailed to the test coordinator.
A Roster Score Report is mailed to the test coordinator and accessible to the test coordinator in the Online Reports Portal. This is a roster of examinees showing the date and score of each test.
The test coordinator can log into Validus and use the Reports Portal to access these and additional ACT WorkKeys score reports for schools. ACT WorkKeys Online Reports Portal User Guide provides instructions for this feature. Score Reports Available in Online Reports Portal provides a list and description of the available reports.
WorkKeys Reporting for Districts
Students’ ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificates (NCRC) are accessible to district staff in the DPI Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). Districts are to work with schools to distribute certificates to examinees.
Student usernames and passwords for are included in the school data files accessible to district staff in the DPI Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). Districts are to work with schools to distribute the usernames and passwords to examinees.