ACCESS for ELLs Score Report

English Learner Data in WISEdash for Districts
Users with the student detail analyst permission in WISEdash for Districts can see student-level information for students in their district, including historical assessment data from tests taken in other districts in Wisconsin. In addition to ACCESS for ELLs data, calculated values for Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) and an on-track-to-proficiency measure can be found for students with two consecutive ACCESS for ELLs tests.
WISEdata ELP Codes

WISEdata is Wisconsin’s student data system which houses student data required to meet state and federal accountability measures.
Every student, whether or not they are an English Learner (EL), has an English Language Proficiency (ELP) code in WISEdata:
- For students who were never EL, (the majority of students), their ELP code is listed as 7.
- For students who are former ELs, having demonstrated full English proficiency, their ELP code is listed as 6.
- For students who are currently ELs, their ELP code is a reflection of how proficient they are in English, on a scale from 1-5, with 1 being the least proficiency, and 5 being nearly proficient.
ELP levels 1-6 stem from the WIDA English Language Development Standards, the basis for Wisconsin’s EL support system. In this framework, ELP 1 indicates students with very limited English skills, while ELP 5 and 6 represent students with extensive English skills, nearly on par with native English speakers.
Origin of WISEdata ELP Codes
ELP Screener score
ACCESS for ELLs annual assessment score
Manually Entered by a district administrator
Reclassification as Former EL
Students who demonstrate proficiency on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment are eligible to be reclassified as Former EL. Former ELs are denoted with ELP 6 in WISEdata. For more information on reclassification, please see Chapter 6 - Reclassification and Monitoring in the EL Policy Handbook.
Students who may be Misclassified
If a non-EL is accidentally administered ACCESS or a student may be misidentified as EL or Non-EL, please see Chapter 4 - Students who may be Misclassified in the EL Policy Handbook.
Multiple, Conflicting ELP Codes
A student with a current ELP code in WISEdash should retain that ELP code if they move into another district, unless there is evidence of a misclassification. (See above.) Students ELP 1-5 with ELP codes more than a year old should be administered the WIDA Screener to determine an approximate ELP level for the school year.
Family Refusal of EL Services

Families have a right to opt their student out of EL Services. However, even when a student who has been identified as an EL is not receiving EL Services:
- The student remains an EL, and their ELP code in WISEdata does not change
- The student must continue to be administered ACCESS for ELLs every year, and their WISEdata ELP code will get updated to reflect their score each year
- The district is still responsible for the student’s progress in becoming proficient in English, despite the refusal of specific EL services
These factors remain in effect until the student graduates, transfers, or achieves a proficient score on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment and is exited from EL status. See Chapter 8 - EL Programming for more information regarding parental opt-out of EL services.
Transfer-student data in WISEdata
Once a student is enrolled in your district from another in state district and this enrollment data is uploaded to WISEdata, you may notice that an ELP error appears in WISEdash Portal. Clicking ‘Details’ on the error message will show what ELP your SIS has pushed to WISEdata, and the expected value, based on previous testing in Wisconsin. If an ELP assessment was administered within the last year, this ELP code may be used in place of a screener for determining ELP services. If the most recent ELP score is more than a year old and is ELP 1-5, the student should be screened to determine their current ELP level.
Timing of Data

ELP Screener Score
Federal law requires that all students have a determination of EL/not-EL made within 30 days of enrollment. Due to this requirement, most ELP screener scores are uploaded into WISEdata in September or October. For schools who do spring enrollment, the scores are entered either in spring when the ELP screener is used, or in fall when the student starts school.
In a few other cases, such as a change in school district midyear, an ELP screener score could be entered at other times. However, the determination of EL/not-EL is required to be made within 30 days of enrollment, and language supports offered if needed.
ACCESS for ELLs score
ACCESS for ELLs is administered in the winter, generally from early December until early February. Scores are received back in the spring, and generally uploaded by DPI into WISEdata in the summer.
Manual ELP code entry by a district administrator
If it is necessary to update or correct a WISEdata ELP code, this can be done in the local SIS at any time, provided the district has captured the necessary information to support this change. See Chapter 4 - Students who may be Misclassified in the EL Policy Handbook for more information.
ACCESS for ELLs Data Flow
This chart outlines the critical points in time for data handling to ensure that ACCESS for ELLs testing is implemented successfully.
ELP Screener Results
The overall composite score from an ELP Screener is used as one of multiple measures to determine if a student is an EL and should be receiving EL services. See Chapters 2 and 3 in the EL Policy Handbook for more information, including how to translate K W-APT scores into ELP levels.
EL Proficiency Attainment
Annual Statewide EL Proficiency Attainment Report