DLM Trainings
Required Test Administrator Training
Test Administrators must have an active Educator Portal account before access to the required test administration trainings can be granted. The DLM training site is now accessed through Kite Educator Portal. DLM has created a Guide to Required Test Administration Training posted on the DLM webpage.
Educators who completed the required training last year should be listed as ‘returning users’ and are required to complete one 30 minute module and successfully pass the quiz. Educators new to Educator Portal or users who didn’t complete the required training last year will be uploaded as ‘new users’ and are expected to complete 5 training modules and successfully pass the related quizzes.
Log in to Kite Educator Portal.
DLM Facilitated Training Modules
District personnel may have access to the DLM facilitated training module materials in order to train test administrators. All DTC will have access to the materials. Facilitators must be added by either the District Test Coordinator (by contacting the DLM Help Desk) or by DPI. Once the DTC or DPI upload a facilitator, it may take up to 3 hours before access to the DLM training site is granted. Please plan accordingly for all DLM trainings.