It is important for NAEP to assess as many students selected to participate as possible. Assessing representative samples of students, including students with disabilities and English language learners, helps to ensure that NAEP results accurately reflect the educational performance of all students in the target population, and can continue to serve as a meaningful measure of U.S. students’ academic achievement over time.
The National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for NAEP, has been exploring ways to ensure that NAEP continues to appropriately include as many students as possible and to do so in a consistent manner for all jurisdictions assessed and reported. In March 2010, the Governing Board adopted a new policy, NAEP Testing and Reporting on Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners. This policy was the culmination of work with experts in testing and curriculum, and those who work with exceptional children and students learning to speak English.
More information about NAEP Accommodations and Supports is available on the Nation's Report Card site.
Schools participating in NAEP should visit their AMS webpage to review specific accommodations policies for the upcoming NAEP administration.