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District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Corner

OEA communicates to DACs who communicate to District staff and SACs who communicate to school staff who communicate to families and community members


The Office Educational Accountability (OEA) work hard to ensure District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) have access to the information they need on our web pages. The DAC Corner contains information such a:

  • a month-to-month overview of DAC’s assessment responsibilities
  • information for new DACs
  • DAC Contact information
  • DAC update form (due annually and for any change during the year)
  • DTC Contact Information (DTC update form due annually and for any change during the year)
  • Student Demographic Data Collection and Reporting
  • DAC Resources and Trainings

Wisconsin State Assessments: 

For consistency you can find the same informational tabs under each assessment such as:

  • Calendar – Timeline for each specific assessment
  • Resources – publications for each specific assessment
  • Trainings – videos, PowerPoints, webinars, and information for Face-to-face trainings related to specific assessment
  • Accommodations – allowable for specific assessment
  • FAQs – related to specific assessment
  • Test Security – manuals, trainings and forms for the specific assessment
  • Data and Results – scoring/reporting and data for the specific assessment
  • Technology Requirements (if applicable) – specific to each assessment



If you need access to or have forgotten your password to a testing portal/system, contact the specific test helpdesk or the specific assessment program manager at DPI.

Assessment Information for Families:

These pages offer a brief overview of the different assessments, FAQs, Resources, links to assessment data, and practice tests/sample items for assessments.

Assessment and Accountability Newsletter

The Newsletter is sent to all DACs quarterly. You should forward this newsletter on to school and district staff and encourage them to sign-up for the newsletter list serve.

These are just a few examples of the information available on the Office of Educational Accountability web page. Please take a few moments to become familiar with the site and the information it contains.

As always we are available to assist you at any time with questions/concerns.