Test Security Documents:

Wisconsin Test Security manual
This manual represents the expected professional conduct of educators who administer statewide assessments in order to ensure proper assessment and academic integrity. It is intended to be used by districts and schools in the fair and appropriate administration of the statewide assessments in conjunction with ACT assessment specific manuals to ensure valid and reliable administration of the assessment.
Confidentiality Agreement Forms:
District and school staff (DAC, SAC, DTC, STC, TA, etc.) who have access to the test or reports (providing accommodations, setting up tests and testing devices etc.) must sign hard copy confidentiality forms and submit the form to their DAC /SAC. Only the signed DAC Confidentiality form must be sent to DPI at osamail@dpi.wi.gov, all other confidentiality forms should be retained at the local level. CESA staff who have access to any testing materials or data must also complete a confidentiality form. All Confidentiality Agreement Forms are available on the Assessment Forms webpage.
Testing Staff:

To protect both the student and the testing staff from questions of possible conflict of interest, the District Assessment Coordinator and ACT Test Coordinator should read and abide by all testing staff requirements and responsibilities outline in ACT’s policies prior to assigning testing roles to staff. All testing designated testing staff are required to read and follow the appropriate ACT resources and policies for their assigned testing role.
Standardized Procedures:

Testing staff assume a vital role in carrying out standardized testing procedures. As with all standardized testing, it is critical that the procedures staff employ is identical to those at all test locations. ACT provides policies, requirements, and administration instructions to help create a fair testing environment for all examinees. All testing staff are required to read the digital and paper materials provided by ACT and DPI. Adherence to the standardized policies and procedures outlined in the materials is mandatory.