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E-Mail Chrono

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E-Mail Chrono

Occasionally, district administrators, as a group, will receive high priority or time sensitive e‑mails from State Superintendent Jill Underly or Deputy State Superintendent John Johnson. This page contains a chronological listing of those e-mails and attachments, if any.

Wisconsin DOA selects vendor for statewide fundamental skills

  Dear District Administrators, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is announcing NCS Pearson was selected to supply the statewide...

Updates: Allocations for Titles IA, ID, II, IVA, and ESSA; Updated Terminology for WSAS Performance Levels

  Dear District Administrators, Please see the following updates: Allocations for Titles I-A, I-D, II, IV-A and grants for Every Student Succeeds...

2023-24 Enacted Legislation Affecting Schools

  2023-24 Enacted Legislation Affecting Schools

Tribal Regalia

  Tribal Regalia

Seclusion and Restraint Reporting Requirements

  Seclusion and Restraint Reporting Requirements

Release of Final Joint Federal Notifications

  Dear Colleagues, Final Joint Federal Notification (JFN) packets are now available in SAFE. If you need help accessing SAFE, please visit the SAFE...

Free Summer Institute on Innovation

  District Administrators, Join members of the DPI Teaching and Learning Team at a FREE summer institute on innovation! Who: School teams of...

Transition News

  District Administrators, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to update you directly on a few key items. Leadership Transition We ar ...

2023 Act 20 Update

  District Administrators, I’m writing with an update on the department’s work implementing 2023 Act 20. 2024-2025 Recommended Early Literacy...

Spring 2024 Statewide Assessments

  Dear District Administrators, Test windows for the Wisconsin Student Assessment System will open soon. These assessments are required by state...