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E-Mail Chrono

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E-Mail Chrono

Occasionally, district administrators, as a group, will receive high priority or time sensitive e‑mails from State Superintendent Jill Underly or Deputy State Superintendent John Johnson. This page contains a chronological listing of those e-mails and attachments, if any.

Public Hearing Notice - PI 34 Educator Licenses

Dear District Administrator, Please see the following Public Hearing Notice regarding consideration of the promulgation of emergency and proposed...

Racial Equity in Special Education

Dear District Administrators and CESA Administrators, The purpose of this email is to inform you of the release of the “Racial Equity in Special...

Resources to Reduce and Respond to Sexual Violence in Schools

Dear District Administrators, There have been a number of high profile cases in the news recently related to sexual violence at school. The...

Important ESEA Announcements

Dear District Administrators, Please see the following ESEA updates: Preliminary Allocations for Title I-A now available The preliminary...

Public Hearing Notice - PI 34 Educator Licenses

Dear District Administrators, Please see the following Public Hearing Notice to consider the promulgation of Clearinghouse Rule 19-029 and Emergency...

REMINDER: Mental Health Programs Claim Form

Dear District Administrators, Note: Your business offices should have already received the notice, below. Please consider this email as a reminder...

Announcing the Competitive Grant Inventory webpage

Dear District Administrators, The DPI has created a webpage designed to be a guide for potential applicants to the competitive grant applications...

FAFSA Resources

Dear Colleagues, We are announcing the availability, for the first time, of your twelfth grade students’ FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student...

Final Public ESSA and IDEA Reports

Dear Colleagues, Today, final reports and statewide data were posted publicly to 2017-18 ESSA Accountability...

Public Notice of Intent to Seek Waiver - 1003(a) of the ESEA

Dear District Administrators, Please see the attached Public Notice of Intent to Seek Waiver. Comments or questions may be directed to Jonas...