Dear District and CESA Administrators,
All Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) receiving more the than one grant under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is required to complete an ESSA LEA Plan.
The ESSA LEA Plan is now available in WISEgrants and is due on June 30, 2018. The ESSA LEA Plan questions in WISEgrants are same questions provided to you in the LEA Plan Draft Template back in November. Those of you that have already been consulting with their staff, families, and Tribal Nations to complete the ESSA LEA Plan Draft template will be able to copy and paste text into WISEgrants.
You will find this document (The ESSA LEA Plan Road Map and Review Criteria) useful as it defines where the questions in LEA Plan Draft Template are located in WISEgrants. The ESSA LEA Plan Road Map and Review Criteria also identifies which questions are required, which ones are optional, and which one may not be applicable to your LEA.
Any WISEgrant User in your LEA with “Edit” access to any ESSA grant may access the ESSA LEA Plan section in WISEgrants. However, the user will need to toggle to the 2018-19 school year in the upper right corner of the screen.
Please visit DPI’s website for more information regarding the ESSA LEA Plan requirements.
The 2018-19 grant applications are not available at this time as DPI is calculating preliminary allocation. I notify you when the allocations are available.