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LEA Implementation and Consolidated Application



ESEA Coordinator Timeline

The purpose of this timeline is to help Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Coordinators understand the timeframe for ESEA requirements throughout the school year, as well as how these requirements will benefit the local educational agency (LEA), its students, staff, and community.

LEAs are encouraged to make a copy of this workbook so that they can include their own procedures and timelines.

Each requirement is tagged with a general topic header, thereby allowing the user to filter by certain topics. For example, selecting the "Fiscal" filter in the "Tag" column will result in the timeline only displaying fiscal requirements. You can also filter the requirement by Title.

Please note: This timeline is organized by the fiscal year, therefore July is identified as the first month in the "When" column.

New Resources

ESEA Coordinator Calendar for Google Calendar – The ESEA Coordinator Calendar is a calendar that is moderated by DPI based on the ESEA Coordinator Timeline Google Sheet but it integrates the dates and reminders into your existing Google Calendar. These dates and reminders are only suggestions and we recommend verifying with your local policies and reaching out to your DPI grant contacts for more information.

ESEA Coordinator Google Calendar Guide – The ESEA Coordinator Google Calendar Guide provides a quick description of how to make the most of your ESEA Coordinator Calendar and where you can provide feedback on how the Calendar can better meet your needs.

ESEA Coordinator Task List – The ESEA Coordinator Task List is based on the ESEA Coordinator Timeline Google Sheet   but in a streamlined checklist an ESEA Coordinator or colleague can use to reflect on where they are in the implementation of their ESEA grant requirements.

Allocations and Carryover

ESEA End-of-Year Report 

Local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving Title I-A, Title II-A, Title III-A, Title IV-A, or Title V-B funds under ESEA are required to complete the ESEA End-of-Year Report in WISEgrants. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) uses the data submitted by LEAs to complete the Consolidated State Performance Report as required by the U.S. Department of Education each fall.

2023-24 End-of-Year Report Workbook - The End-of-Year Report Workbook contains the same data requirements LEAs will see when the End-of-Year Report is opened in WISEgrants. The 23-24 End-of-Year Report will open in WISEgrants in July. LEAs can fill out the Workbook ahead of time to ensure that they have collected all the data needed to complete the End-of-Year Report in WISEgrants. LEAs will receive an email from WISEgrants once the End-of-Year Report is available in WISEgrants. Please see the ESEA End-of-Year Report technical assistance document for more information regarding the End-of-Year Report in WISEgrants.

2023-24 ESEA End-of-Year Report Deadline: Last business day of August

Contact Brianna Pero or schedule a time to talk using Microsoft Bookings with questions regarding the End-of-Year Report.

Public Reporting of Federal, State, and Locally Required Assessments

LEAs must publicly report information on each federal, state, and if feasible, LEA required assessments. LEA’s must provide information on the following:

  • Participation requirements;
  • Subject matter;
  • Purpose;
  • Assessment time; and
  • The schedule and format for disseminating results.

DPI has produced this template to meet the requirement and we encourage LEAs to adapt it to meet the needs of their local stakeholders or to provide their own resource. Use of this template is only a recommendation, LEAs are encouraged to use what works for them to meet the needs of their community and schools and fulfill ESEA requirement Sec. 1112(e)(2)(B).

ESEA Public Reporting Assessment Template



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Reporting Grant Fraud - Federal and State


For questions about this information, contact Mary Jo Christiansen (608) 266-2158, Jennifer Kammerud (608) 266-7073