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Title I, Part A


other resources iconTitle I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA/ESEA) is a federal funding program designed to close achievement gaps and ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Part A, the largest part of the program, allocates funding to districts and other local educational agencies (LEAs) according to a formula based on numbers/percentages of children from low-income families. LEAs distribute much of the funding directly to individual public schools and use the rest to support other efforts within the LEA that benefit students needing additional academic support.

Many schools receiving Part A funding operate Schoolwide Programs, implementing overall school improvements to ensure that systems, practices, and programs are effectively aligned to reduce gaps and support every student’s achievement. Other schools use their Part A funds to operate Targeted Assistance Programs, which provide services to a subgroup of identified students.

Program elements include:

  • Needs assessment and program plan design, to ensure services are designed to meet identified needs and help ensure that resource allocation is aligned with equity goals
  • Family engagement, to allow family perspectives to inform programming efforts and to promote coordination of school and family efforts to support students
  • Appropriately licensed teachers, to help ensure children from low-income families have equitable access to high-quality instruction
  • Equitable participation by private school students, to ensure that eligible students in private schools benefit from Title I services, even though private schools cannot receive Title I funds directly
  • Coordination with early childhood care providers, to support transitions to Kindergarten

Source: Every Student Succeeds Act, Title I. 20 U.S.C. § 6301-6578.

List of Title I Schools for 2023-24

List of Title I Schools for 2022-23

List of Title I Schools for 2021-22

List of Title I Schools for 2020-21

List of Title I Schools for 2019-20

List of Title I Schools for 2018-19

List of Title I Schools for 2017-18

Practice-to-Policy Feedback: The Title I Committee of Practitioners

The Title I Committee of Practitioners (Title I CoP) is an advisory group composed of individuals working in Title I programs throughout Wisconsin. The Title I CoP helps DPI determine how Title I requirements are carried out at state-level by providing input on Title I-related matters, such as support services provided by DPI; statewide projects and plans; and proposed policies and procedures for monitoring.

The Title I CoP members are committed to co-creating meeting agendas, leading discussion on topics, responding to requests for feedback, and communicating messages to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) or other networks, etc. to support the implementation of programs funded by Title I.

Title I CoP members typically meet three times a year and include school administrators, teachers, parents, local school board members, private school representatives, and pupil service personnel.

2024-25 CoP Member List

Meeting Agendas:

CoP Public Notice of Open Meeting 05-23-2023

CoP Public Notice of Open Meeting 01-31-2024

CoP Public Notice of Open Meeting 05-09-2024

CoP Public Notice of Open Meeting 11-19-2024

CoP Public Notice of Open Meeting 01-29-2025

Upcoming Meetings:

Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 8:30 - 11:30 am

Tuesday, October 28, 2025 at 8:30 - 11:30 am

Thursday, January 19, 2025 at 8:30 - 11:30 am

Tuesday, April 28, 2025 at 8:30 - 11:30 am


Organizations and Resources

For questions about this information, contact Title I and School Support Team (608) 267-3721