ESSA Identification-Related Grants
Information about grants specific to schools identified under ESSA is below. For more grant opportunities, visit DPI’s Competitive Grant Inventory.
CSI/ATSI Grants provide funds to public school districts to assist schools that have been identified for CSI or ATSI under ESSA as they implement the evidence-based improvement strategies in their improvement plans. Districts may use these funds for salaries, fringe benefits, professional development, purchased services, supplies for implementation and stakeholder meetings, or other expenses related to implementation of school improvement plans. Funds may also be used for planning activities—see the grant guidelines for details. All Wisconsin public school districts with one or more schools identified for CSI or ATSI are eligible. Allocations are based on a formula. There are different formulas for CSI and TSI. Budgeting for each improvement strategy in each school is separate, and funds are available for budgeting as strategies are approved, so if a particular strategy needs revisions, it will not delay budgeting and budget approval for others. Allocations for each identification, based on the previous year's enrollment data, are listed in the document below, along with an explanation of the allocation formula. For CSI, an improvement plan for each school receiving funding must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. For ATSI, a form for each school receiving funding must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. The purpose of the CSI More Rigorous Intervention Grants is to support schools identified for CSI More Rigorous Intervention to develop and implement a continuous improvement plan, under narrower parameters, that meets all requirements and supports progress toward exiting the identification. Additionally, these grants are intended to support a robust plan, at the school and district level, for monitoring implementation progress. These are annual grants that provide a formula-based allocation for each school identified for CSI More Rigorous Intervention. All Wisconsin public school districts with one or more schools identified for CSI More Rigorous Intervention are eligible. Allocations are based on a formula. Budgeting for each improvement strategy in each school is separate, and funds are available for budgeting as strategies are approved, so if a particular strategy needs revisions, it will not delay budgeting and budget approval for others. Allocations, based on the previous year's enrollment data, are listed in the document below, along with an explanation of the allocation formula. An improvement plan for each school receiving funding must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. Plans must meet requirements outlined in the guidelines. The application process in WISEgrants is very similar to that for the CSI/ATSI Grant, so the instructions below may be useful to CSI More Rigorous Intervention Grant applicants: CSI/ATSI Grants provide funds to public school districts to assist schools that have been identified for CSI or ATSI under ESSA as they implement the evidence-based improvement strategies in their improvement plans. Districts may use these funds for salaries, fringe benefits, professional development, purchased services, supplies for implementation and stakeholder meetings, or other expenses related to implementation of school improvement plans. Funds may also be used for planning activities—see the grant guidelines for details. All Wisconsin public school districts with one or more schools identified for CSI or ATSI are eligible. Allocations are based on a formula. There are different formulas for CSI and TSI. Budgeting for each improvement strategy in each school is separate, and funds are available for budgeting as strategies are approved, so if a particular strategy needs revisions, it will not delay budgeting and budget approval for others. Allocations, based on the previous year's enrollment data, are listed in the documents below, along with an explanation of the allocation formula. For CSI, an improvement plan for each school receiving funding must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. For ATSI, a form for each school receiving funding must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. CSI Implementation Grants 2019-20 through 2022-23 CSI Implementation Grants provide funds to public school districts to assist schools that have been identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement under ESSA as they implement the evidence-based improvement strategies in their improvement plans. Districts may use these funds for salaries, fringe benefits, professional development, purchased services, supplies for implementation and stakeholder meetings, or other expenses related to implementation of school improvement plans. All Wisconsin public school districts with one or more schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement are eligible. Allocations are based on a formula. Budgeting for each improvement strategy in each school is separate, and funds are available for budgeting as strategies are approved, so if a particular strategy needs revisions, it will not delay budgeting and budget approval for others. Allocations, based on the previous year's enrollment data, are listed in the documents below, along with an explanation of the allocation formula. Improvement plans must be submitted in WISEgrants by the appropriate deadline. No separate application is required. These formula-based grants support Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to purchase, implement, and support high-quality, standards-based curricula in schools identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) and/or Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This grant is intended to fund high-quality, standards-based curricula that provide frequent and regular access to grade-level content, as well as culturally relevant practices to support them. It funds three categories of activities: LEAs with at least one school identified for ATSI or CSI as of July 2022 are eligible. The LEA receives one allocation for all its eligible schools. The formula for allocations is as follows: Part I of the application is due August 12, 2022. This included an initial needs survey. Part II is the budget, to be completed in WISEgrants. LEAs may only budget for services and activities identified in Part I of the application. For example, if awarded grant funding for core-instruction standards-based curriculum adoption, the LEA must budget funds specifically to that activity. The performance period for this grant is August 12, 2022, through August 31, 2023. Final claims are due November 30, 2023. Carryover is not allowed for this grant program. Use of these funds must comply with the Supplement Not Supplant provision of ESSA. These funds may not be used to supplant (take the place of) state and local funds (20 U.S.C. 6321(b)). CSI Planning Grants provide funds to public school districts to assist schools that have been identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement under ESSA as they develop or refine their improvement support plans. These funds are intended to support essential planning activities such as needs assessment, stakeholder engagement, review of resource inequities, and selection of evidence-based improvement strategies to address identified issues. All Wisconsin public school districts with one or more schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement are eligible. CSI Planning Grants provide districts with $140,000.00 for each CSI-identified school. Applications are due March 15, 2019. The projected deadline for submission of improvement plans is October 31, 2019. The guidelines below provide more details.
Available Funds
Guidelines and Application
Available Funds
Guidelines and Application
Available Funds
Guidelines and Application
Available Funds
Guidelines and Application
Instructional Materials & Professional Learning (IMPL) Grant 2022-23
Available Funds
Application and Budget
Fiscal Considerations
CSI Planning Grant 2019-20
Available Funds
Important Dates
Guidelines and Application
Application Tools
Other Resources and Supports
Visit the Resources and Supports for Continuous Improvement page for links to tools, technical assistance, and more information.
Funded Schools and Evidence-Based Strategies Implemented
- 2022-23 CSI Grants - Schools Funded and Strategies Implemented
- 2021-22 CSI Grants - Schools Funded and Strategies Implemented
- 2020-21 CSI Grants - Schools Funded and Strategies Implemented
Title I, Part A, Section 1003(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.