These short videos, each under five minutes, provide specific information to help make sense of the world of Title I. Please take a moment to fill out this survey to provide us feedback on these videos and let us know what other topics you would like to see in future Title I Shorts.
Fiscal Topics

- Title I Public School Enrollment: Learn about the requirements for recording and providing public school enrollment data for Title I-A.
- Allocation Distribution to Local Education Agencies (LEAs): Understand the path funds take to get to an LEA and why allocations may change from year to year.
- Ranking Title I Schools: Understand LEA options for ranking schools eligible for Title I funding.
- Collecting Poverty Data on Private School Children: Learn about LEA options for collecting poverty data on private school children to determine the proportional share for services.
- Per Pupil School Allocation: Understand more about the per pupil amount when distributing school-level allocations.
- Overview of the Title I Comparability Report: Review comparability requirements for LEAs.
- ESEA Transfers and Title I-A: Learn about the options and potential impacts for transferring funds between ESEA Titles.
- Title I-A Carryover: Understand the limits and requirements for Title I-A carryover.
- Title I-A Supplement not Supplant: Learn about Title I-A Supplement not Supplant provisions and district methodology requirements.
- Title I-A Reservations: Understand the options and requirements for Title-A Reservations.
- Title I-A Maintenance of Effort: Recognize the Maintenance of Effort (or MOE) requirements for Title I-A.
Census Poverty Data and Title I Allocations: Provide LEAs with information regarding the US Census Bureau poverty data, and how this data contributes to Title I, Part A allocations.
Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs

- Targeted Assistance Programs: Learn about the basics of Title I Targeted Assistance Programs.
- Paraprofessionals Hiring Requirements: Learn about federal hiring requirements for paraprofessionals in Title I schools.
- Paraprofessional Portfolio Option: Learn about the portfolio hiring option for paraprofessionals in Title I schools.
- Schoolwide Plan Requirements: Understand federal requirements for developing and implementing a Schoolwide Plan.
- Schoolwide Program Requirements: Understand the basics and federal requirements surrounding Schoolwide Programs.
- Title I Schoolwide Programs and Continuous Improvement
Family and Community Engagement

- Building Capacity for Family Engagement: Understand the recommendations and requirements for building capacity around Family Engagement for Title I-A programs.
- Family Engagement Requirements: Local Education Agency (LEA) and School Policies: Understand family engagement policy requirements for LEAs and schools.
- Title I Family Engagement: Reserving and Using Funds: Learn about federal requirements regarding reserving and using Title I family engagement funds.
- Family Engagement Overview: Understand the basics about Title I family engagement requirements.
- Title I and Early Childhood Program Coordination Requirements: Learn about the early childhood coordination requirements for Title I LEAs.
Title I and Private Schools

- Title I and Private School Choice Programs: Learn about Title I eligibility requirements and how they interrelate with the School Choice Program.
- Collecting Poverty Data on Private School Children: Learn about LEA options for collecting poverty data on private school children to determine the proportional share of funds for services.
- Title I Private School Pooling Options: Understand potential pooling options available for private schools participating in Title I services.
- Title I Private School Equitable Participation: Learn about the basics of equitable Title I, Part A services available to eligible private school students.
- Title I Equitable Services Across LEAs (5:37): Learn the guidelines for serving students eligible for Title services living in your district boundaries, but attend a private school located in another district.
Using Title I Funds to Support Educational Equity

- Coordinating Funding with Title I, Part A: Make an effective use of supplemental services through coordination and collaboration with Title I, Part A.
- Staffing: Explore ways Title I funds can support educational equity through staffing.
- Professional Development: Consider ways Title I funds can support educational equity through professional development.
- Social Emotional Supports: Explore ways Title I funds can support educational equity through social emotional supports.
- Family and Community Engagement: Examine ways Title I funds can support educational equity through family and community engagement.
- Instructional Media: Consider ways Title I funds can support educational equity through purchasing instructional media.
Other Relevant Topics

- Educational Stability Requirements for Students Placed in Out-of-Home Care: Understand the requirements for LEAs to ensure educational stability of students placed in out-of-home care.
- OHC ESSA Handout
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, 20 U.S.C. § 6301
For questions about this information, contact Title I and School Support Team (608) 267-3721