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Title I, Part A, Upcoming Webinars

The Title I Team aims to provide LEA staff with the resources and assistance they need to be successful. Title I Lunch’n Learn time is where DPI staff members provide LEAs information regarding components of the Title I application, which will include WISEgrants technical demos. LEA staff can expect 30 minutes of designated time for Q&A.
*Attendance is optional.

Please join the Title I Team in an upcoming session. Details are below:

Title I Lunch n' Learn: Reservations to Support Student Experience Groups
Planning Reservations for the next school year with the primary focus on Reservations to Support Student Experience Group.
Date: January 28, 2025
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Teams Meeting Link
Slidedeck: Title I Student Experience Populations Requirements


Review the Title I Lunch n' Learn Calendar for full list of dates, times, and topics. 


Past Sessions


Title I Lunch n' Learn: Real Property Reporting for Construction and Remodeling Projects
DPI staff will provide an overview of Real Property Reporting in WISEgrants.

Title I Lunch n' Learn: Title I Comparability
Title I staff will go over the Title I comparability requirement. Please expect a short presentation and time for Q&A.

Session 1: ESEA Private School Affirmation Forms and ESEA Centralized Enrollment

This webinar has passed.
DPI staff will provide LEAs an overview of ESEA Private School Affirmation Forms and public school enrollment considerations, and a step-by-step demonstration of the ESEA Centralized Enrollment screen in WISEgrants. After the demonstrations, there will be time for Q&A. Attendance is optional.

Session 2: Title I Private School Enrollment
This webinar has passed.
DPI staff will provide LEAs an overview of data collection requirements for Title I private school enrollment and a step-by-step demonstration of submitting Title I Private School Enrollment in WISEgrants. After the demonstrations, there will be time for Q&A. Attendance is optional.

Session 3: Title I Carryover and Reservations
This webinar has passed.
DPI staff will provide LEAs information about entering Title I Carryover into the Title I application and how to set aside funds on the Title I reservations screen in WISEgrants after the demonstrations, there will be time for Q&A. Attendance is optional.

Session 4: School-level Allocations (Rank and Serve) and Budgeting
This webinar has passed.
DPI staff will provide LEAs with a behind the scenes look at the ranking options and a demonstration on how ranking options affect school-level allocations. This session will also provide LEAs with key factors and considerations to keep in mind when submitting Title I budgets in WISEgrants.

Session 5: Title I-A Equitable Services Across LEAs
This webinar has passed.
DPI staff will provide LEAs with information pertaining to Title I-A Equitable Services Across LEAs and the most commonly asked questions around this topic.

Title I Lunch n' Learn Summer Office Hours
In an effort to support LEAs in completing the Title I application and based on feedback from the Lunch n’ Learn series, the Title I team is now offering summer office hours.Title I Lunch n’ Learn Summer Office Hours is a casual, open session where LEAs can ask anything pertaining to the Title I application. There will not be formal presentations, just a relaxed environment for Q&A.

Please reach out to with any questions.