The LEA must complete the following steps before transferring funds:
- Facilitate stakeholder feedback (all Title IV-A allocations) and complete a Title IV-needs assessment (for LEAs receiving >$30,000). The results of the Title IV-A needs assessment should document the need to transfer funds.
- Conduct consultations in order to provide for the equitable participation of private school students and staff.
- Determine the program(s) from which funds are to be transferred and to which funds will be transferred.
- Determine the amount, and federal fiscal year, of funds to be transferred by fiscal year.
- As appropriate, modify each affected local plan or application to reflect the transfer; and
- Establish the effective date for the transfer by notifying the DPI of the transfer at least 30 days before the effective date of the transfer in WISEgrants. (If an LEA modifies a local plan as a result of a transfer, the LEA must also submit to the DPI, within 30 days after the transfer, a copy of its revised local plan.)
(Guidance on the Transferability Authority, United States Department of Education, June 8, 2004)
After the required 30 day waiting period, WISEgrants will require the LEA to identify the amount of funds to be transferred on the “View/Edit Funding Screen” of the source grant and will require a District Authorizer to officially authorize the transfer.
LEAs initiate transfers through WISEgrants.
How does an LEA initiate a transfer in WISEgrants?
LEAs wishing to initiate a transfer should follow the instructions provided in the Transfers in WISEgrants technical assistance document.
Who can initiate a transfer?
Members of an LEA who have “Edit Access” to the source grant in WISEgrants can initiate a transfer. The user does not need to have "Edit Access" access to the target grant
How long do funds take to transfer after initiating?
After the transfer process is initiated there will be a 30-day waiting period before the LEA is able to complete the request by determining the amount transferred and authorizing the transfer request. Transferred funds are available immediately after the transfer is authorized by a District Authorizer.
Can an LEA change its mind after transferring funds?
No. LEAs are not permitted to reverse or cancel a transfer once it has been authorized.
If an LEA has changed its mind regarding a transfer prior to authorization, they can simply cancel the transfer rather than authorize the transfer at the end of the 30-day waiting period.
Is there a deadline by which transfers must be submitted?
No. Transfers can be initiated at any time within the appropriate fiscal year. However, LEAs should keep in mind that transferability does not extend the period during which an LEA may obligate funds. Transferred funds retain the identity of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated (20 U.S.C. 7305b). This is important to remember for Title I, Part A, because there are statutory restrictions on the amount of funds LEAs may carryover for Title I, Part A. This document provides more information on Title I, Part A carryover.
Does an LEA need state or federal permission prior to transferring?
No. The statute authorizes an eligible LEA to transfer funds without seeking approval from either the DPI or the U.S. Department of Education. An LEA does not have to apply for transferability authority; it already has that authority. However, an LEA must notify the DPI at least 30 days before each transfer occurs (20 U.S.C. 7305b).
May funds transferred into Title III-A be used to meet the $10,000 baseline threshold permitting districts to manage their own Title III allocation?
No. The statute prohibits DPI from awarding a subgrant of less than $10,000, the amount required for an LEA to self-manage funds for any Title. Transferability does not alter subgrant. 20 U.S.C. 6821 (b).