This webpage pertains to the ESEA Targeted Equitable Participation monitoring and ESEA Universal monitoring being held in 2023-24. Please note: ESEA Consolidated monitoring is on hold for the 2023-24 year and will resume for the 2024-25 year.
LEAs that are selected for monitoring must complete and submit the required documentation prior to their scheduled monitoring visit. The total amount of required documentation may vary depending on both the type and quantity of funding received by the LEA. The following resources will aid LEAs in constructing and submitting their documents to DPI.
ESEA Monitoring Guidance Document:
LEAs may access the 2023-24 ESEA Monitoring Guidance Document here. This document provides LEAs with all the information required to prepare for their monitoring visit. DPI has included detailed descriptions of mandatory items as well as guiding questions that will help LEAs correctly prepare each piece of required documentation.
Prior Year Guidance Documents:
2022-23 ESEA Monitoring Guidance Document
Documentation Collection Tool:
DPI has set up a Google site that will allow LEAs selected for monitoring to submit their required documentation into a Google drive folder that is shared between both parties. The LEA will submit all required documentation for ESEA Monitoring through the collection tool. Information pertaining to the document submission process will be provided directly to the LEAs being monitored.
ESEA Monitoring Webinar Resources: under construction