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What to expect during the on-site visit (Archived)

This webpage pertains to the ESEA Targeted Equitable Participation monitoring and ESEA Universal monitoring being held in 2023-24. Please note: ESEA Consolidated monitoring is on hold for the 2023-24 year and will resume for the 2024-25 year.

DPI will provide the LEA with an agenda for the monitoring visit prior to the scheduled date. 

Who will be at the monitoring visit?

Under construction

Who from your LEA should participate?

It is important that the LEA personnel participating in the ESEA programs being monitored be present and ready to speak in-depth about their program during the monitoring visit. The ESEA Coordinator and the individual program coordinators responsible for program implementation must be present for the monitoring visit as DPI staff will engage them in the interview process. It is also recommended that the LEA business manager be available for interviews if determined necessary by the monitoring review team.

What kind of questions will be asked during the visit?

During the monitoring visit, DPI staff will ask guiding questions on the different monitoring requirements. The purpose of the visit is to gather more information related to each of these requirements. Specifically, the monitoring visit will address any questions that were unanswered from the initial required documentation collection. Also, DPI staff is always interested in highlighting promising practices in LEAs, and the monitoring visit will provide an opportunity for DPI to inquire about promising practices which can be shared with other LEAs.

Since the monitoring visit will be a follow-up to the document collection, DPI staff may not ask all of the guiding questions in the monitoring document.

Getting feedback from your visit:

At the end of the monitoring visit the DPI team will ask for any feedback from the LEA about the visit and share the timeline for submitting any missing documentation. DPI will provide a formal written report within six weeks after the visit.