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Promoting Excellence for All (PEFA)
Strategies that close achievement gaps

One of Wisconsin’s greatest strengths is the growing diversity of communities, schools, and workplaces. For Wisconsin to be innovative in the 21st century, and for communities to remain strong, all students must graduate college and career ready. As Wisconsin’s student population becomes increasingly diverse, the persistence of racial disparities in the educational system poses real challenges to opportunity and economic progress.
Recognizing that the education of our students of color requires swift, targeted, and deliberate attention, State Superintendent Tony Evers convened a task force which launched this website as part of his effort to graduate every student ready for college and career.
Promoting Excellence for All provides information and strategies successfully used by Wisconsin educators to raise achievement of students of color, closing the gap between them and their peers. These schools represent all grade levels, urban, rural, and suburban settings.
Click here for more information on Promoting Excellence for All