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State & National Resources

Students in a group looking ahead

This list contains links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and resources are for your convenience, consideration, and informational purposes only. While maintaining this list, the DPI acknowledges that information contained on these sites is subject to change, and the opinions, positions, and policies are the reflection of their respective organizations' policies, and not official stances endorsed by the DPI.

State Resources


Statewide organization which provides professional development and technical assistance to educators on LGBTQ+ topics in education. Specific areas of expertise include inclusive policies, gender and sexuality alliance (GSA) formation, and educator professional development.

Wisconsin Equality Map

The purpose of this map is to help Wisconsin’s residents, visitors, workforce, media, and policymakers learn more about which communities have legal protections in these areas, and where these legal protections are needed in the absence of a comprehensive statewide law. This resource is created and maintained by Wisconsin’s statewide LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations, GSAFE and Fair Wisconsin. The organizations are frequently asked about legal protections against anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in all facets of life: employment, housing, public accommodations (public spaces), and education.

National Resources

Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is listed on the back of the Out for Safe Schools badges and is a national text and voice hotline for LGBTQ+ youth. Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ+) young people under 25.

U. S. Department of Education Toolkit: Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students

The U.S. Department of Education is committed to helping schools and districts provide welcoming, safe, and supportive educational environments for all students, including students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI+), and students with LGBTQI+ parents and family members. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that LGBTQ+ and transgender youth experience more bullying and violence, and as a result of stigmatization and discrimination, are more likely to experience depression and other mental health challenges than their peers. This resource includes examples of policies and practices that schools and districts can consider developing to support LGBTQI+ students and families. It also highlights Federal resources that schools, students, and parents may find helpful in working to ensure that all students are free to learn in an educational environment without harassment or other discrimination.

Welcoming Schools

This national organization has a ton of resources, especially for younger grades, including books for students, parents, etc. Welcoming Schools professional development training has been offered in a number of WI schools.

Gender Spectrum

Gender Spectrum offers school-related resources for educators to support students who are transgender or non-binary, including templates for gender support plans.


This site is a resource for short, current, often humorous videos on all types of human growth and development topics, including sections on gender identity and sexual orientation. For those staff in an elementary school, also check out their newer “amaze jr” section.

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool

This self-assessment tool was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NORC at University of Chicago, an objective non-partisan research institution, in partnership with LGBTQ+ health experts, school health experts, and non-governmental health and education agencies.

The Family Acceptance Project

The Family Acceptance Project team has put research into practice by developing and implementing the Family Acceptance Project’s Family Support Model - the first of its kind - to prevent health risks, strengthen families and build healthy futures for LGBTQ+ and gender diverse children and youth. They provide training and consultation on working with diverse families and implementing FAP's evidence-based family support model across the United States and in other countries.

LGBTQ+ Visibility and Integration in Elementary Schools Guide



PFLAG ​is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

American School Counselor Association Resources


Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students: Advocate for Best Practices


The School Counselor and LGBTQ+ Youth

ASCA Position Statement

The School Counselor and Transgender/Gender-nonconforming Youth

ASCA Position Statement

Support Transgender Students

ASCA Resources (some may be member only)