Tuesday, February 18, 2020
DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559MADISON — State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor will join Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary Caleb Frostman and Wisconsin Technical College System President Dr. Morna K. Foy on Wednesday in learning how students benefit from unique Career and Technical Education programs offered at DeForest High School.
Stanford Taylor proclaimed February “CTE Month” in Wisconsin, representing a time when the importance of these programs is highlighted. The long-term goal of CTE in Wisconsin schools is to prepare students for a wide range of careers reflecting the modern workplace by offering them opportunities to improve their transferrable skills prior to graduation.
A student-guided tour will showcase the school’s CTE programming, including agriculture, media production, home maintenance, welding, culinary arts, consumer sciences, and business education. The group will also join in discussing the benefits several Career and Technical Student Organizations provide.
WHAT: State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor, Department of Workforce Development Secretary Caleb Frostman, and Wisconsin Technical College President Dr. Morna K. Foy tour CTE programs
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: DeForest High School
815 Jefferson St.
DeForest, WI 53532