Tuesday, February 11, 2020
DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559MADISON — With more Career and Technical Education options available to students than ever before, State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor will tour parts of the state to see how Wisconsin schools successfully utilize the programs.
Stanford Taylor recently proclaimed February “CTE Month” in Wisconsin, representing a time when the importance of these unique programs is highlighted. The long-term goal of CTE in Wisconsin schools is to prepare students for a wide range of careers reflecting the modern workplace by offering them opportunities to improve their transferrable skills prior to graduation. CTE in Wisconsin includes programs such as agriculture, business and information technology, family and consumer sciences, health science, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, manufacturing, and engineering.
“A postsecondary education credential matters more than ever before, and we honor all routes our students take after high school graduation,” Stanford Taylor said. “Two-year colleges, youth apprenticeships, and professional credentials can lead to fulfilling and life-sustaining careers. My hope is for every student in Wisconsin to have access to the rich and rewarding opportunities Career and Technical Education helps facilitate.”
To achieve CTE’s mission, students are given opportunities to build school-to-career connections through various resources and partnerships with area businesses and organizations. Schools utilizing CTE programming provide many pathways for students to become college and career ready prior to graduation. Above all, educators specializing in CTE are critical to preparing the next generation of students for success in the global workforce.
“Career and Technical Education helps maintain a strong economy, and it produces a workforce ready for Wisconsin’s businesses and industries,” Stanford Taylor said. “But, its success in readying the next generation of leaders relies on bonds formed within communities across the state — both urban and rural.”
Stanford Taylor will visit the following schools during CTE Month:
- Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1-2:30 p.m.: Cuba City Middle/High School, Cuba City
- Wednesday, Feb. 19, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: DeForest High School, DeForest
- Thursday, Feb. 20, 9:30-10:30 a.m.: Bay View High School, Milwaukee
- Thursday, Feb. 20, 1:15-2:15 p.m.: James Madison Academic Campus, Milwaukee