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Regent Underly calls for delay in today’s Regents vote

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559
MADISON — State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly released the following statement calling for today’s UW Board of Regents vote to be rescheduled. As the UW System administration was informed months ago that she would be, Dr. Underly is currently out of the country with very inconsistent internet access and is unavailable at the scheduled meeting time.
“I am requesting that today’s session and vote be rescheduled. I agree with Governor Evers that these are conversations that should continue in the weeks ahead, and not be cut short due to an artificial, political deadline.
“It is clear the Regents are divided, and further work is necessary. I look forward to being able to be a full part of that conversation upon my return to the U.S. next week.”
NOTE: A headshot of Dr. Underly can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s website.

Official Release
