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Dual Membership in WLA and WEMTA Extends Your Network

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Belonging to professional organizations creates opportunities for growth, avenues for networking, and expands our community of practice. Belonging to TWO organizations can double your opportunities without doubling your financial investment! The Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) and the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA) are both rich with value for their members, and they offer discounts to members who join both.

WLA/YSS Highlights

WLA offers professional support and opportunities through committee work, mentorship opportunities and four conferences a year: the 3 ½ day fall annual conference; a 1 day support staff day; a 3 day public library-focused conference and a 3 day academic library focused conference. In addition, WLA’s very active Youth Services Section offers webinars and opportunities to meet-up virtually; supports the Elizabeth Burr/Worzalla Children’s Book Award and produces Youth Services Shout-Out,  an active blog with events, information and opinion pieces on all things in library youth services.

WEMTA Highlights

WEMTA offers support to empower educators to provide learning experiences that prepare students to flourish in an information-rich world. WEMTA hosts regular webinars and sends out a Digital Dispatch newsletter with updates on what the organization is working on. There is an annual 3 day conference held in the spring each year focusing on books, technology and other library related topics. One of the most active committees works closely with members in Madison on Legislation and Advocacy for students, libraries and librarians.

Want to be part of these strong networking communities to continue school and public library partnerships? Here’s how to join:

WEMTA Membership: WLA members can join WEMTA for the reduced rate of $25 annually

WLA Membership. WEMTA members can join WLA for the reduced rate of $50 annually.

This message brought to you through the collaboration of Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association (WEMTA), Wisconsin Library Association (WLA), and DPI School and Public Libraries. If you are interested in working on future tidbits or have other suggestions for collaborations, please contact Marge Loch-Wouters (WLA) or Raquel Rand (WEMTA) .

See more posts on the WI Libraries for Everyone page.

For questions about this information, contact Monica Treptow (608) 575-6065

WI Libraries for Everyone

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