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Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Dear District Administrators,

Required by 2019 Wisconsin Act 86, Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions was created through collaboration between an advisory committee created by Act 86 and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Feedback was solicited from advisory committee members at several points in the drafting process. In addition, the guidebook was available for 30 days of public comment.

Per Act 86, the informational guidebook discusses screening, instruction and intervention, and resources that can support improved learning for school-aged individuals with characteristics of dyslexia. The audience for the information is broad and includes--but is not limited to--parents and families, educators, interventionists or reading teachers, and educational leaders.

Per Act 86, each school district will include a link to the informational guidebook on dyslexia and related conditions. The school district link must be available no later than December 1, 2021.

The link to the guidebook and related information is This link should be shared on your district website. Please share the link rather than posting the PDF of the guidebook, as sharing the link to DPI ensures users are accessing the most recent information.

If you have any questions, please contact Barb Novak, Literacy Consultant, at (608) 266-5181 or


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent