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Title I Network and Technical Assistance Changes in 2022-23

Monday, March 7, 2022

Dear District Administrators,

We are writing to inform you that the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will be changing the general support for Title I-A across the state, beginning in the 2022-23 school year. This change is due to a difference in funding rules when No Child Left Behind changed to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This change will affect each CESA differently, and you will receive more communication about specifics within your CESA.  This communication is to provide you with an overall understanding of these changes and why they are occurring.

ESSA requires DPI to focus its discretionary spending on schools identified for improvement (information on ESSA school identifications here: rather than on more universal types of support. In general, this is a positive change that provides support for schools that need it most, but it also means DPI can no longer provide broad support using Title I-A discretionary funds. Historically, DPI has contracted with each CESA to provide specific free support for implementing Title I-A for all districts across the state. Together, the CESA staff responsible for coordinating these supports comprised the statewide Title I Network. DPI can no longer fund the Title I Network to provide these services free to districts. Although DPI cannot provide this funding for statewide services, these are still allowable costs for districts that receive Title I funds, so you can use your Title I-A funding to purchase support from your CESA.

In case you are not familiar with them, here are the primary activities CESA Title I Network members were contracted to perform:

  • Holding Title I Coordinators meetings twice a year in each CESA
  • Providing consulting and resources for to support Title I-A compliance in districts
  • Communicating Title I news to districts
  • Attending professional development to keep up to date on Title I

The Title I Network has also provided a forum for communication and collaboration among CESAs and between CESAs and DPI. We will work hard to maintain that communication and collaboration, despite the loss of funding. DPI and CESAs are working on a communication plan so that all districts will have access to Title I (and ESSA) news and information.

What does this change mean for your district?

Depending on your CESA, you may be able to purchase similar services, or you may need to turn to DPI technical assistance materials more frequently. We will continue working with CESAs to ensure a smooth transition and make sure you know where you can turn for what kind of support.

DPI has already been working with Title I Network members and districts to identify Title I topics where districts tend to need more support, and we will work to improve our technical assistance materials and professional development offerings in those areas, which include new coordinator training, schoolwide programs, and private school equitable participation. We are also committed to continuing to provide professional development and communication mechanisms to keep CESAs and districts informed about Title I-A.

Thank you for all you do in stewarding Title I funds to advance educational equity in our schools and make sure students get the services they need for their learning. Again, your CESA will provide details about specific ESSA-related services available to you if it has not already.

If you have specific comments or suggestions about this change or would like to be included in future focus groups to shape services, please complete this survey:


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent