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2021-2022 WI Digital Learning Survey Results

Ed Tech Data Summary

The Wisconsin Digital Learning Plan (c2016) provides school districts strategies for making learning more meaningful and relevant for students, more accessible for economically disadvantaged students, and more cost-effective upon implementation. The focus, throughout the Plan, continues to be learning environments that are equitable, personalized, applied, and engaging.

DPI is pleased to present the 2022 digital learning data (2021-22 school year) for K-12 schools in Wisconsin! DPI asked questions covering all five gears of the Digital Learning Plan. This website depicts the results from some of those questions, which represent a cross-section of the overall data and can be used to support data-driven instructional leadership and planning. DPI has compiled the survey responses from around 90% of Wisconsin school districts (across all 12 CESA regions).

The goal of DPI and this survey is to create a collection of longitudinal data to help inform key stakeholders including individual school districts, Cooperative Education Service Agencies (CESAs), professional organizations, the Wisconsin Legislature, and citizens of the state.

The survey data has been broken down into three ways for comparison -- results at the state-level, results by district size, and results by CESA. Each section (subsequent page) includes graphs for the given data and a brief interpretation of each.  A PDF copy of the data set for each category can be found at the bottom of each web page. You can also access data from previous years in the menu on the left of the page.

***Data from the 2020-2021 survey contains information provided by districts during a year that included COVID-19. The data from this survey may be affected by this event, but is still very valuable to use while analyzing local district planning and programming. Many Wisconsin districts have modified the learning experience in their schools and that shift may be reflected in the survey data provided during this year.

Some key findings:

  • For the second year in a row, 98% of Wisconsin districts report using Google for Education in their schools for collaboration and productivity.
  • At least 90% of districts that responded stated they provide instruction in computer literacy, digital citizenship, and information literacy.
  • 67% of school districts in the state are leveraging the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in instructional practices (up slightly from the previous year).
  • 82% of districts reported they are currently using some form of virtual, digital learning (fully virtual, online/blended/hybrid) for their educational experiences. This is down about 15% from the previous year.
  • 94% of districts say they utilize a digital classroom platform or learning management system for learning in their schools.
  • Over 60% of school districts reported having a plan to support staff in creating effective and engaging instructional practices in a digitally rich environment.

DPI emphasizes that the data shown on these pages captures only a single point in time. As we gather data annually, we will have the ability to chart our progress over time.

For questions about this information, contact Amanda Albrecht (608) 267-1071