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School District Boundary Appeal Board - Overview

The School District Boundary Appeal Board (SDBAB) is created within the Department of Public Instruction by s.15.375, Wis. Statutes to address certain issues related to school district reorganization. The Board consists of 12 school board members appointed by the state superintendent of Public Instruction for staggered two-year terms. Four members represent small school districts; four represent medium school districts, and four represent large school districts. No more than one member may come from each of the 12 CESA areas. Three-member panels of SDBAB members (one each from a small, medium, and large district) hear appeals related to small territory detachment. Seven member boards, consisting of two representatives each from small, medium, and large districts, and the state superintendent or his or her designee, address issues related to district creation and dissolution, annexation, or boundary disputes. Operations of the board are described in s.117.05(1) and (2), Wis. statutes.

For questions about this information, contact Michael Bormett (608) 267-9199