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Administrative Rules

The Policy, Budget and Research Team is responsible for coordinating the process for proposed changes to DPI administrative rules affecting schools, libraries, and the department. Further information on proposed rules by the agency that are currently in process can be found below.

What is a Rule?

Under Wis. Stat. 227.01 (13), an administrative rule is defined as "a regulation, standard, statement of policy, or general order of general application which has the effect of law and which is issued by an agency to implement, interpret, or make specific legislation enforced or administered by the agency or to govern the organization or procedure of the agency." Rules may be required because of legislation or court decision, or may be modified through an agency's own initiative. However, agencies such as DPI are only permitted to promulgate an administrative rule if they have the statutory authority to do so. Promulgation activity for administrative rules can take 12-14 months to complete and must be conducted in accordance with Wis. Stat. ch. 227.

Proposed DPI Rules

The table below is a list of all rule modifications proposed by the agency that are currently in process. The table is organized by the affected DPI code chapter but may be organized by any of the other columns by clicking on the appropriate column header in the table. The table may be filtered by entering a search term in the search bar at the top of the table. Relevant information on each proposed rule can be found by clicking on the links provided in the rule subject column. Information on each affected code chapter currently in effect can be found by clicking on any item under the affected DPI code chapters column. Information on each promulgation step can be found by clicking on the links provided in the rule history column. Finally, individuals that wish to comment on a proposed rule may do so using the links provided in the public comment column.

Key: SS = Scope statement (permanent and/or emergency rule); CR = Clearinghouse Rule (permanent); EmR = Emergency Rule

SS/CR/EmR Number Rule Subject Affected DPI Code Chapters Rule History Public Comment
SS 104-23 Cooperating teachers and school-based supervisors PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 12/21/2023 Preliminary comment period closed
CR 24-076 Eligibility for 5-year, educational interpreter license PI 34 Approved by Governor 11/27/2024; Submitted to Chief Clerks 12/12/2024 Comment period closed
SS 108-23 School settings for practicum experiences PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 12/21/2023 Preliminary comment period closed
CR 24-008 Eliminate dance license PI 34 Proposed rule submitted to Rules Clearinghouse 2/2/2024; Public hearing held 3/1/2024 Comment period closed
CR 24-077 Changes to rules governing assessment teams for Tier IV master educator licenses PI 34 Approved by Governor 12/12/2024; Submitted to Chief Clerks 12/12/2024 Comment period closed
SS 087-23 Innovative and Experimental Teacher Preparation Programs PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 11/28/2023 Preliminary comment period closed
CR 24-026 Revisions to rules governing the commencement of the school term prior to September 1 PI 27 Public hearing held 3/25/2024; Final rule submitted to Governor for approval 3/29/2024 Comment period closed
SS 024-24 Adopting a code of ethics under ch. PI 34 PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 3/11/2024 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 025-24 Options for addressing professional misconduct under PI 34 PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 3/11/2024 Preliminary comment period closed
CR 24-075 Changes to graduation requirements as a result of 2023 Wisconsin Act 60 PI 18 Approved by Governor 10/31/2024; Submitted to Chief Clerks 12/12/2024 Comment period closed
SS 033-24 Incidents of crime and other safety-related incidents PI 42 (create) Scope statement approved for rule drafting 4/8/2024 Preliminary comment period closed
CR 24-074 Bilingual-bicultural supplemental licenses PI 34 Approved by Governor 12/20/2024; Submitted to Chief Clerks 12/23/2024 Comment period closed
EmR 2413 Bilingual-bicultural supplemental licenses PI 34 Emergency rule effective 10/17/2024 - 3/30/2025; Hearing held 11/22/2024 Comment period closed
SS 039-24 The out-of-state pathway for educator licensure PI 34 Scope statement approved for rule drafting 5/10/2024 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 105-24 Revisions to grants for national teacher certification and master educator licensure PI 37 Scope statement published in 10/28/2024 Register; Prelim hearing held 11/8/2024 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 115-24 Modifying the 1-year, renewable license with stipulations for school psychologists PI 34 Published in Register 12/23/2024; Prelim hearing held 1/10/2025 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 116-24 Pre-student teaching requirements for supplementary area licenses PI 34 Published in Register 12/23/2024; Prelim hearing held 1/10/2025 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 117-24 Program coordinator licenses PI 34 Published in Register 12/23/2024; Prelim hearing held 1/10/2025 Preliminary comment period closed
SS 118-24 Definition of good standing for tier I charter school principal licenses and tier II licenses based on reciprocity PI 34 Published in Register 12/23/2024; Prelim hearing held 1/10/2025 Preliminary comment period closed

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