Library staff (school, public, & other) interested in the “Games + Libraries + Learning” space is invited to join the ongoing-development Wisconsin Games + Learning + Libraries Cohort.
The Cohort, organized by the DPI and Public Library Consultant Chris Baker, will be digitally housed in the WISELearn Resources Group; WISELearn will allow us to virtually contribute Open Educational Resources (OERs), engage in discussion, and form an affinity space and easy-to-access network surrounding Games + Learning + Libraries in Wisconsin. This group can help position our state as a national leader in this space!
The Cohort welcomes educators at every level of experience in the gaming & games + learning space, whether you have little to no knowledge on the subject and would like to learn more, or whether you'd consider yourself someone who has long studied & educated with gaming. Visit the Cohort to contribute resources directly or sit in the wings to utilize resources as they become available. Limited content is available since it is just the start of the Cohort, but over the next year as library staff collaborate, the site will be developed into a robust, organized suite of resources and links!
Your participation level is up to you, but hopefully you’ll consider being an active part of this WISELearn community. The group is still very much a work-in-progress; much to come! But for STARTERS, if this sounds interesting to you…
- Please go to the Wisconsin Games + Learning + Libraries Cohort on WISELearn and click “Sign In/Register” at the top left; register for a new account if you need to. Bookmark the group’s page.
- Click the green Join this Group button.
- Visit the “Greetings, Introduce Yourself to the Group!” discussion post. Share some information and start meeting others!
- Share with other librarians and educators in your network who would like to join, meet others interested in this space, and contribute.
- Begin contributing OERs related to Games + Libraries + Learning! Let Chris Baker know if you have recommendations for additional “Folders” to keep things organized.
After all, you are the experts in this space! Everyone interested is encouraged to help build this Cohort as it takes shape.