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The DPI Presents at Upcoming 2023 WEMTA Conference

Thursday, February 2, 2023

WEMTA Find Your Spark LogoThe Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Library Services Team will be joining their colleagues in the agency and across the state at the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA) Find Your Spark Conference. Join us February 5-7, 2023, for packed information sessions that will leave educators walking away feeling invigorated and empowered to develop innovative and diverse learning experiences for Wisconsin students.

Make sure to attend the luncheon on February 7 to hear from State Superintendent Jill Underly, witness the Common School Fund check presentation, and be introduced to the DPI’s newly appointed Assistant State Superintendent for the Division for Libraries and Technology Dr. Darrell Williams.

In addition, the Library Services Team is taking part in several sessions to ‘Find Your Spark’ with topics ranging from building a library plan and materials challenges to DPI updates and Indigenous resources to teach culturally. All programs are located at the Central Wisconsin Convention & Expo Center in Rothschild, Wisconsin. You must be registered for the conference to attend. The Library Services Team’s session details are as follows:

Sunday, February 5
Library Planning: New Tools for Beginners and Strategies for Keeping the Cycle Going
12:45 p.m.
Room A6

The Future Ready Library Planning initiative is now four years running. We have made great strides in creating and implementing district library plans with over half of our districts meeting Wisconsin Administrative Code PI8.01(2)(h) requirements. After listening and learning from school librarians throughout the state, the DPI has created some new tools to share. Learn about how these new tools can help you create your first district level plan or assist you in continuing the planning cycle.


  • Monica Treptow, School Library Media Consultant, DPI 

Exploring Connections for Wisconsin Libraries
2:15 p.m.
Room A1

In May 2018, a small group representing different libraries and varying roles came together to form Connecting Wisconsin Libraries. This groups came together with the purpose of fostering collaboration, providing information, and sharing practice ideas between school and public libraries on a statewide level. Throughout the last four years we have experienced inspiration, success, and pandemic survival. Find out what this group has done and where it could go. Contribute ideas for its future at this interactive discussion session featuring a panel of group members and a hunger for your feedback!


  • Raquel L. Rand, Library Media Coordinator, GBAPS


  • Laurie Ollhoff, Director, T.B. Scott Free Library
  • Monica Treptow, School Library Media Consultant, DPI

Monday, February 6
Be in the Know with the DPI Updates
8:45 a.m.
Room A5

Hear the latest and greatest from the Department of Public Instruction. We will introduce new faces, highlight recent and upcoming projects and initiatives, and share important information on a variety of topics, including school and public library information and collaborations, BadgerLink, broadband, computer science, and digital learning. You will leave with ideas and strategies to strengthen the work you are doing to address the unique needs of your learning community.


  • Monica Treptow, School Library Education Consultant, DPI
  • Rachel Schemelin, E-Rate and Broadband Education Consultant, DPI
  • Amy Bires, Computer Science and Digital Learning Educational Consultant, DPI
  • Amanda Albrecht, Digital Learning Consultant, DPI
  • Ben Miller, Director, DPI

Still Challenged! How We Are Surviving Record Numbers of Book Challenges
1:15 p.m.
Room A5

Policies have been reviewed. Procedures are in place. Yet, you still feel a bit unsure about what may happen if a material in your collection is challenged. Come to this session to hear about the lived experiences of going through a book challenge. Panelists from three districts will share their struggles and successes for our collective benefit. In addition, we will take time to venture through a book challenge scenario to practice responses and strategies for difficult situations. 


  • Monica Treptow, School Library Education Consultant, DPI

Tuesday, February 7
Indigenizing the Resources in Your School Library
10:45 p.m.
Room B2

In this session, you will have an opportunity to learn about a variety of resources you can use to identify and evaluate the best materials to support the incorporation of First Nations Studies throughout the school year, not just around Indigenous Peoples Day or Native American Heritage Month, in your library and your collaborations with other educators. Participants will leave with a list of texts, digital media, blogs, and websites to explore to support work around teaching and learning Indigenous studies.


  • David O’Connor, American Indian Studies Consultant, DPI
  • Monica Treptow, School Education Consultant, DPI
For questions about this information, contact Beth Tomev (608) 266-7410

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